Friday, August 10, 2012



First of all thank you for all the sweet comments, I am so glad that the blog has been to useful to you and your classrooms! It was so fun reading all of your sweet notes!

Today I selected the winners of the give-away through a

random number generator….. and the numbers are

(according to the order of comments)…..drum roll..

27-Angie Shockley

22-LAuren Balint

6-Katie Morris


13-Mrs. i

I will email you about shipping info!

As a side note, I am not receiving any endorsements from crayola, but I want to tell you about some really cool markers! They are called Crayola Window crystal effects markers

They are SO COOOOOL go buy yourself some the next time you are in Target or Walmart or anywhere that sells Crayola markers. The craystalization process happens instantly and you can see it moving across the lines you draw!I will post a project I recently did with them in a few days and definitely include some in my next give-away!


I am sad that summer is coming to an end but there have been fleeting moments where I have had a glimmer of excitement at the smell of new school supplies, and the feeling I had when I walked in my room to find my kids had taken EVERY item out of my husband’s dresser, filled it with stuffed animals, and climbed inside.

Have any of you had a moment like this lately?


As I was editing some pictures from the summer, I could only think of how chaotic things seem to be in an instant. I could almost hear my daughter saying, “Hey, Mommy, remember when you saw that cute bunny in the rosebush and you were filled with so much joy, go to that place, because I just spilled nail polish on the couch, and Shelby took off her diaper and peed on the floor!”

Oh the joys of summer!!!




  1. I won! I am so excited! I never win anything, haha. And this will be perfect for me as a new art teacher! Thanks so much, look forward to hearing from you :)

  2. Cool! I have a different kind of window markers that Crayola came out with a few years ago. I'm looking forward to trying the new ones! Thanks!

  3. I had to read your daughter's quote out loud to my husband. Priceless.
