Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween! Skippyjon Jones, and more Skellies!

I don't usually repeat lessons, but I have done this one for the past few years because it is so much fun and the kids get very creative! This year, some of them even added furniture and tiny skeletons inside! Sleeping in their little beds and having tea parties even!

Here is a link to the lesson spooky house step by step

Okay it is no lie that I LOVE these books!! Skippy is a siamese cat who thinks he's a dog. He goes on these adventures inspired by the books he reads with his (imaginary) amigos, the "Chimichangos clan" DUDE! 

Kindergarten, first, and second grade did a VERY simple draw along consisting of ovals, triangles,circles, a "rainbow" for the body and a letter "M" between his front feet. Then we painted them with watercolor paint
Then they got to decorate their Skippy for an ADVENTURE!!!
"Zuper Giroow" I LOVE IT!!


....because every girl needs a flowery skull and cross bones on her cast! No ugly casts in this school!!



  1. Some great projects here!! The houses are fantastic, I'll definitely be borrowing that idea - there's so much scope for individualisation:) I also love your 'skellies' (such a good word!)

  2. Hi Natalie

    These are all fantastic projects!
    I will try the Skippyjon Jones project. Skippyjon Jones: Up and Down is available to read online for free at (readers need to set up a free account). I love art lessons that tie into literacy!

    Thanks for posting.


  3. Natalie,
    What kind/size of paper did you use for the Skippyjon Jones project?

