Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Italy One Point Perspective

My fifth graders recently completed a One Point Perspective project focused on Italy! Here are the drawing steps for this project. 
 Enjoy the online gallery!!



  1. I love these! So much better than roads or halls of lockers. Great ideas again! And I love your bunny animations with the paint brush! Hee Hee! Too cute!

  2. I just wanted you to know that your blog in very inspiring. I found it by accident, and it has been such a life saver. It also made me kick it into gear with my own blog. I love how open you are about your faith as well. I was having a bad year, and its like God said "take a breath, and read this girls blog." So you don't know me, I am from Minnesota, but so far in my 2 years of teaching you have been the most helpful resource. Keep up the good work, and thank you!!

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