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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Product Review and Free Sample

A few weeks ago, I received a "Swag Bag" of products from Liquitex, Winsor& Newton, Reeves,Conte' a' Paris, Letraset, and SnazarooFirst, I want to say THANK YOU for all of the great goodies that we have been using and having alot of fun with!  I have always used liquitex acrylic paint for my own personal paintings and also use Winsor&Newton watercolor paint.

They have also graciously offered for YOU a FREE sample of this neat Liquitex paint pen!! Just follow the link below to get one and try it out!

I will start with my absolute FAVORITE part of the swag bag! This would be the water soluble Wax pastels!
There is a great variety of bright colors, and can be painted with water to create a beautiful finished look like paint!
Here is an up close look at the "paint effect" from the pastels

One of the best things for me is that they come in class packs, which I will definitely be ordering next Fall!!

 Another product we tried was the Conte'a Paris pastels pack. Students were using printed graffiti alphabets to write their names and other phrases. Some students drew them with markers, then colored them in with the pastels for a soft smooth look

 I had a student create a colorful border using cool colors...

 ...and I used it as a layer for this adorable newborn photo I took last week! I love the idea of colorful custom borders for photos with children's artwork! You can find directions for how to do this from an older post here Fun With Photoshop Tutorial 

 Another product I like is the Reeves watercolor pencils. 

 They make a very vibrant color when painted with water

 here is the drawing after he painted it..below

 Here is another before...

                 ....And After

 Here are a few more pictures of artworks created with a mixed media of colored pencils, markers, water soluble pastels, and soft pastels from our Swag Bag! Another great big Thank You to Liquitex, Conte a Paris, Winsor& Newton, Reeves, Letraset, and Snazaroo

to find graffiti alphabets for this project, you can just google image "graffiti alphabet" for lots of great images and ideas! 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Earth Day Finger Painting

 Today the kinder and first graders made Earth Day Finger paintings!
We watched this video of happy people dancing ALL over PlAnEt Earth!

 We started with a large piece of finger paint paper and some green finger paint. I have never used finger paint before this year and I have been quite pleased with the results. The kids LOVE how it feels on their hands and how it is so slippery on the paper. 

 Then we put blue finger paint on top after the green had dried a little
then they used their finger tips to draw the continents...we had pictures of Earth on the wall for them to see. This has to be done when the blue paint is very wet still...

 Then I put out 4 different colors of paint for the people. They painted each finger and stamped about three times before repainting

 Then we used Sharpies to decorate the people with faces, hair, holding hands, hats, etc.

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