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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Multi Media Collage

My fifth graders have just started their Multi Media Collage and I just had to post our first steps!!
The students have created their backgrounds already and will add their decorations and photos this week and next week! 
I cannot wait to see all the creative ideas they have with this project!! 
Here are the steps

Students created the background for their multi media collage using neon tempera paint and sponges on HEAVY watercolor paper

Image result for golden acrylic gel medium semi gloss
 1. paint the image printed on xerox paper with tempera varnish or acrylic gel medium ( I used the tempera varnish becauase I had some already)

2. place it in the area you want and roll with brayer or rub gently all over with your hand

3. let dry completely.

4. use a sponge to gently wet and then rub the white paper away and VOILA! Your image apears on the painting

 5. Use old books to cut out shapes and oil pastels to make a stencil positive negative effect

6. Review the rules of composition
never in the center, not on the bottom of the page, make it big, make it touch three sides of the paper, and use overlapping for depth 

7.Use stamps and paint to embellish and add layers

Here is another exaple I made using the process above

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