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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Top 50!

Wow, I am exited to learn that my blog was chosen as one of the Top 50 Art Education Blogs from Masters in Art !It is listed as #13. I recently changed the name of my blog from Art Lessons to smART Class. Check out this awesome list with some really wonderful Art education blogs!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Warm/Cool Color Dog Paintings

Today third graders completed their Dog paintings. We looked at lots of colorful dog pictures and artwork like this painting below by Kaytee Esser, Blue Dog paintings by George Rodrigue, and many more….

We talked about the bright colors and how many of the images had mostly warm colors on the dog and cool colors in the background or the opposite. They drew their dogs and painted them with liquid watercolors.

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When the paintings were completed, we added details and outlined with oil pastels!

I did a similar lesson with fifth grade a few years ago. You can see them here:

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Leaf Print Turkeys

Today we made turkeys with leaf print tail feathers. The kids REALLY had fun!! We went on a walk in the park and picked up lots of interesting shaped leaves.

Then we came in and made turkeys out of construction paper.

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Students used Fall colors to paint the leaves.

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Lay a piece of construction paper over the leaf and press. This helps the paint not to get all over their hands.


Lift and VOILA!! You will hear LOTS of OOOHHHH’s and AAAAHHHH’s at this point!


Make as many leaf prints as time will allow.

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Then cut leaves, arrange behind the turkey, and glue on the back for the GORGEOUS plumage!!

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Drippy Monsters

2nd grade is learning about blending colors and the analogous colors on the color wheel. We used orange and yellow, and blue and green paint to create these drip monsters. Students used a straw to blow the paint to create the body, arms, and legs of their monster.
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Then they used construction paper to make the face, and add details. I asked them to give their monsters personality. They were also told not to copy anyone, since they have a hard time with that sometimes. We still ended up with quite a few “artist” monsters!! I couldn’t say no to that!! Oh and of course I made sure that each student gave their monster an iris, pupil, and reflection of light in each eye!
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