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Showing posts with label blending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blending. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bobcats with Chalk Pastels

We are talking about predators and drew these bobcats this week. We talk about all the parts of the face and how he has spots AND stripes. We looked at the white around his eyes, the football shaped pupils, and the fur on the tips of his ears. We watched the videos below to see real bobcats.


We looked at bobcat art!


In the first video you can see the bobcat is surrounded by feathers. We talked about how bobcats are a nuisance to farmers, killing their chickens, but that the farmer was going to set him free somewhere far away.

Each student could draw the bobcat however they wanted. Then we used the chalk pastels to color them. We talked about value and blending.



I just love how this student drew his hiding in the grass!


Love the big eyes!


I made this as an example after the student above drew his in the grass. I wanted kids to see that they could draw him from different perspectives and that their drawings don’t always have to fit on the page or be in the middle! If you would like a copy of the lesson plan, just shoot me an email




Friday, November 6, 2009

Fruit Plate Still Lifes

For this project, I bought real fruit and put it on each table on a paper plate. We talked about how to draw the fruit overlapping by starting with the closest fruit first. I told them to reach out their hand and whatever fruit would touch their finger first would be the one to start with. Then, when drawing the next fruit, the line would start on the first fruit even if they weren't really touching. We talked about how everyone's drawings will look different because of point of veiw. We talked about how the plate would start on one fruit and end on another and you wouldn't see a big circle for a plate unless you were drawing the picture while hanging from the ceiling. Then we practiced blending colors from dark to light. I put a lamp on each table and they had to draw little ovals where the "shiney's" (reflections) were. Those were to be colored white. Here are some finished products.

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